Dr. Priyanka Batra

Dr. Priyanka Batra

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Dr. Priyanka Batra is a Senior Consultant at the department of Division of Gynecology & Gynaec Oncology at Medanta-the Medicity,Gurugram. Dr. Priyanka Batra has decades of rich professional experience in her field. Her area of interest lies in Laproscopic Surgeries, Open Surgeries and Minimal Invasive Surgeries. She is a qualified D.N.B. and M.B.B.S. and to share her knowledge and experience, Dr. Batra has authored many medical journals as well as mentored many medical practitioners.

Specialization and Expertise

  • Colposcopy
  • Laproscopic Surgeriess
  • Minimal Invasive Surgeries
  • Open Surgeries

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