Dr. Gomathy Narasimhan

Dr. Gomathy Narasimhan
Experience :
Education :
MBBS, MS, ASTS Fellowship (USA)
Specialization :
Abdominal Trauma, HPB Surgery and Liver Transplantation, Renal Transplantation
Department :
Dr. Gomathy Narasimhan is a Liver and Kidney Transplant Surgeon. She completed her surgical training from Madras Medical College, India followed by multi organ transplant training from Baylor University, Dallas, Texas under Dr. Goran Klintmalm and subsequent Living Donor Liver Transplant training from Prof. Inomata at Kumamoto University, Japan. She has over 10 years of experience with liver and kidney transplant surgery and has managed over 600 liver transplant and 1000 kidney transplant patients.
Clinical Expertise
- Experience in the field of Transplantation since 2001
- Renal protective Immunosuppression
- Combined Liver Kidney Transplantation
- Renal transplantation in children
Awards and Achievements
- Young Investigator award -Work on bio adhesives for skin closure - Association of Surgeons of India, 2000
- Best paper award with travel Grant - Early Gastro intestinal side effects in Renal transplant patients - Congress of Asian Society of Transplantation 2003, Malaysia
- Young Investigator Award - Successful Establishment of Deceased donor network programme in a developing country - Travails, Outcomes and Challenges Ahead - ILTS, Seoul 2016
- Multiple presentations in national and International meetings/ CME lectures
Unique Contribution
- Uemura T, Sanchez EQ, Ikegami T, Watkins D, Narasimhan G, McKenna GJ, Chinnakotla S, Dawson S 3rd, Randall HB, Levy MF, Goldstein RM, Klintmalm GB. Successful combined liver and kidney transplant for COACH syndrome and 5-yr follow- up. Clin Transplant 2005 Dec;19(6):717-20
- Sanchez EQ, Martin AP, Ikegami T, Uemura T, Narasimhan G, Goldstein RM, Levy MF, Chinnakotla S, Dawson S 3rd, Randall HB, Saracino G, Klintmalm GB. Sirolimus Conversion After Liver Transplantation: Improvement in Measured Glomerular Filtration Rate After 2 Years. Transplant Proc 2005 Dec;37(10):4416-4423.
- Sanchez EQ, Narasimhan G, Fischback B, h, Chinnakotla S, Klintmalm GB. Use of two expanded-criteria-donor renal allografts in a single patient". Porc (Bayl Univ Med Cent).2007 Jul;20(3): 240-3
- Uemura T, Randall HB, Sanchez EQ, Ikegami T, Narasimhan G, McKenna GJ, Chinnakotla S, Levy MF, Goldstein RM, Klintmalm GB Liver re transplantation for primary nonfunction: analysis of a 20-year single-center experience. Liver Transpl. Feb;13(2):227-33.
- Ikegami T, Sanchez EQ, Uemura T, Narasimhan G, Masannat O, Chinnakotla S, Randall HB, Levy MF, Goldstein RM, Klintmalm GB. Liver transplantation for cystic fibrosis in adults. Surg Today. 2008;38(1):26-9
- Uemura T, Ikegami T, Sanchez EQ, Jennings LW, Narasimhan G, McKenna GJ, Randall HB, Chinnakotla S, Levy MF, Goldstein RM, Klintmalm GB. Late acute rejection after liver transplantation impacts patient survival. Clin Transplant. 2008 May-Jun;22(3):316-23
- Reddy MS, Narasimhan G, Rela M. Death of a Live Liver Donor - Opening of a Pandora's box. Liver Transpl. 2013 Nov;19(11):1279-84
- Chapter in Liver Transplantation - Elsevier Jan 2013 on Split Liver Transplantation M Rela, Narasimhan G
- Chapter in Liver Transplantation- Elsevier Jan 2013 on "The Cadaver Transplant Scenario in South India” Narasimhan G, Amalorpavanathan, M Rela
- k) Chapter in "Liver Surgery" on Cholangiocarcinoma, Narasimhan G, Rela M - 2014 - Elsevier publication
- Varghese J, Reddy MS, VEnugopal K, Perumalla R, Narasimhan G, Arkichenin O, Shanmugam V, Shanmugam N, Srinivasan V, Jayanthi V, RelaM - Tacrolimus related adverse effects in Liver transplant recipients: its association with trough concentrations - Indian J Gastroenterology 2014 may;33(3) 291-25.
- Varghese J, Sachan D, Reddy MS, Narasimhan G, Venkatraman J, Rela M - Hepatitis B Immune globulin prophylaxis after liver transplantation - Experience in a tertiary care transplant centre -J Clin Exp hepatology 2014 Sep;4(3):209-13
- Chapter in Textbook of Surgical Gastroenterology 2015 - Deceased Donor Liver Transplantation in India - M Rela, Narasimhan G
- Narasimhan G, Govil S, Rela M - Preserving Double Equipoise in Living Donor liver transplantation for Primary hyperoxaluria 1 - Liver Transplantation 2015 Oct;21(10):1324-6
- Govil S, Shanmugham P, Reddy MS, Narasimhan G, Rela M - A metabolic chimera - Two defective genotypes make a normal phenotype - Liver Transplantation 2015 Nov; 21(11):1453-4
- Invited article - Living donor liver transplantation in India- Narasimhan G - Journal of Hepato Biliary Surgery and Nutrition 2015
- Safwan M, Vij M, Narasimhan G, Shanmugham NP, Rela M - Caroli's Syndrome with Incidental fibrolamellar HCC on explant - Indian J of Pediatrics 2016 Jan ;83(1);85-6.
- Medical and Ethical Aspects of Liver Transplantation in India -Narasimhan G, Rela M, Textbook of Association of Physicians of India 2016
- Invited article - Liver transplantation in India -Narasimhan G, Rela M, 2016, Liver Transplantation.
- Donor outcomes in Living donor liver transplantation - Morbidity analyses of 275 donors from a single centre in India –Narasimhan G, Safwan M, Real et al. Transplantation 2016
- Chapter on “Post Liver Transplantation- Early Surgical Complications” in Pediatric Liver Intensive care” by Naresh Shanmugam and Anil Dhawan, 2018.
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