Dr. Rajesh

Dr. Rajesh
Experience :
Education :
Specialization :
Abdominal Trauma, HPB Surgery and Liver Transplantation
Department :
Dr. Rajesh Rajalingam did MBBS in Tirunelveli Medical college and MS in JIPMER, Puducherry. Completed super specialisation (MCh) in Gastrointestinal/ HPB surgery at GB Pant hospital, New Delhi. Joined the unit as post-doctoral fellow in 2011. Completed Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Liver Transplantation under Dr.M.G.R Medical university and appointed as Consultant surgeon in the unit from 2014. Dr Rajesh has special interest in Donor Hepatectomy, liver haemodynamics and regeneration in different settings and their clinical application and also in the management of hepatopancreaticobiliary malignancies
Awards and Achievements
- Worked for Post PG senior resident in JIPMER, Pondicherry from June 2007 to April 2008 which incl. surgical training along with teaching experience.
- Attended various National and International conferences (surgical, gastrointestinal and Transplantation surgery) like PON CON 2006, 2007, SURGERY UPDATE 2007, HPB CON 2008, IHPBA 2010, IAP 2011, IASG 2012, ILTS 2013,2017 and Laparoscopy basic training programmes.
- Presented a paper in IHBPA 2010 - Extra- Hepatic Portal Venous Obstruction: Surgery, An Effective Remedy! and posters in IHBPA, Argentina 2010
- Best poster award in IHPBA 2010 DELHI for Management of hypersplenism in Non-cirrhotic portal hypertension: A surgical series.
- Having almost 7 years of training and experience in liver transplant and HPB services in Gleneagles Global hospital.
Unique Contribution
- Degos' disease: acute abdomen with skin rash. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2006 Jul-Aug;25(4):187. Rajesh R, Basu A, Sistla SC, Jagdish S, Thappa DM, Badhe BA. PMID: 16974032.
- Does single-dose preoperative dexamethasone minimize stress response and improve recovery after laparoscopic cholecystectomy? SurgLaparoscEndoscPercutan Tech. 2009 Dec;19(6):506-10. Sistla S, Rajesh R, Sadasivan J, Kundra P, Sistla S. PMID: 20027097
- Post cholecystectomy gossypiboma: a malignant masquerade. Am Surg. 2011 May;77(5): E94-5. Rajesh R, Saluja SS, Sharma A, Mishra PK. PMID: 21679580
- Blumgart's Technique of Pancreaticojejunostomy: An Appraisal. Dig Surg. 2011 Jul 29;28(4):281-287. Mishra PK, Saluja SS, Gupta M, Rajesh R, Pattnaik P. PMID:21811074
- Non-familial double malignancy of the colon and ampulla of Vater: a case report and review of literature. Saudi J Gastroenterol. 2012 Mar-Apr;18(2):143-5. Rajesh Rajalingam, Amit Javed, RanjanaGondal, Asit Arora, HH Nag, Anil K Agarwal. PMID:22421722
- Revision mesoatrial shunt for Budd Chiari syndrome: A case report. Trop Gastroenterol. 2012 Apr-Jun;33(2):160-3. Rajesh Rajalingam, AmitJaved, Anil K Agarwal. PMID: 23025071
- Management of hypersplenism in non-cirrhotic portal hypertension: a surgical series. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2012 Apr;11(2):165-71. Rajesh Rajalingam, Amit Javed, Dharmanjay Sharma, Puja Sakhuja, Shivendra Singh, Anil K Agarwal. PMID:22484585
- Unusual proximal migration of biliary plastic endoprostheses into the inferior vena cava. Am Surg. 2012 Dec;78(12): E520-2. Kumar V, Rajalingam R, Saluja SS, Chander Sharma B, Mishra PK. PMID: 23265107
- Liver Metastasis of Extremity Pleomorphic Liposarcoma Treated with Hepatic Resection.J Gastrointest Cancer. 2013 Aug 20. Vij M, Perumalla R, Srivastava M, Rajalingam R, Bharathan A, Periasami S, Rela M. PMID:23959373
- Novel en-bloc resection of locally advanced hilar cholangiocarcinoma: The Rex recess approach. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2014 Feb;13(1):93-7. Rela M, Rajalingam R, Shanmugam V, O' Sullivan A, Reddy MS, Heaton N. PMID:24463086
- Liver transplantation in acute-on-chronic liver failure: lessons learnt from acute liver failure setting. Reddy MS, Rajalingam R, Rela M. Hepatol Int. 2015 Jan 8.
- Preserving double equipoise in living donor liver-kidney transplantation for primary hyperoxaluria type 1. Narasimhan G, Govil S, Rajalingam R, Venkataraman C, Shanmugam NP, Rela M. Liver Transpl. 2015 Oct;21(10):1324-6.
- Reddy MS, Rajalingam R, Rela M. Revisiting APOLT for Metabolic Liver Disease: A New Look at an Old Idea. Transplantation. 2017 Feb;101(2):260-266.
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