Dr. Anand Khakhar
Dr. Anand Khakhar
Experience :
Education :
Specialization :
Liver Transplant
Department :
Hospital :
Dr. Anand Khakhar is a Senior Consultant Liver Transplant & Hepatobiliary surgeon at Apollo Hospitals, Chennai. He has a major role in establishing the latest infrastructure aimed at undertaking successful liver transplant, hepatobiliary & pancreatic surgery, and complex liver surgeries. Dr Khakhar is experienced in living donor liver transplant and cadaveric liver transplant.
Special interest
- Adult and pediatric liver transplant surgery.
- Living donor liver transplant
- Cadaveric liver transplant
- Hepatobiliary & pancreatic surgery
Fellowships and Memberships
- ACS: American College of Surgeons
- American Society of Transplantation Surgeons
- Canadian Society of Transplantation.
- Association of southern Urologists of India Tamil-Nadu
- Pondicherry society of Urology of India
- Ahmedabad Urology Association.
Unique Contribution
- Catastrphic microangiopathy induced by high titres factor VIII inhibitor after liver transplantation for haemophilia A with cirrhosis.
- Retrograde reperfusion versus conventional orthograde technique in orthotopic liver transplantation.
- Thrombotic thrombocytopenia after liver transplantation for haemophilia A and hepatitis C: role of antibodies to factor VIII.
- Survival after liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma Retransplantation for recurrent hepatitis C: the argument against.
- The impact of allograft nephrectomy on present panel reactive antibody and clinical outcome.
- Liver transplantation for primary sclerosing cholangitis.
- Epstein-Barr virus seronegativity is a risk factor for late-onset posttransplant lymphoro liferactive disorder in adult renal allograft recipients.
- Laparoscopic versus open partial nephrectomy.
- Outcome of Laparoscopic versus open partial Nephrectomy.
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